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Category: Hiking
Fruška gora u jesen🍂 - Iriški venac, Novo i Staro Hopovo »

Fruška Gora was an island in the former Pannonian Sea. Today, this 539-meter high mountain is the dominant landmass of the entire Pannonian plain. Its ridge is 75 kilometers long, and its entire surface is overgrown with oak, hornbeam, linden, and beech forests.

On this hiking tour of Fruška Gora in autumn, we will follow the circular path from Iriški Venac to the Novo and Staro Hopovo monasteries, the Freedom Monument, and the lookout point on Crni Chot. The autumn colors of beech and oak forests contribute to the beauty of the hiking trail.

Fruska Gora

Fruska Gora

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