Soft skill workshops

We will complement the exploration of Serbia and the Balkans through an active vacation with an active exploration of our inner worlds through soft skill workshops, bearing in mind that wherever we go, our journey first begins from within.
We offer a unique team-building concept that combines adventure trips to carefully selected natural destinations with innovative team activities and "soft skills" workshops, adapted for the development of skills such as communication, and stress management.

team building srbija, radionica kako da ne sagoriš

Workshop "How to avoid burnout syndrome?"

Ostani hladne glave i toplog srca, izbegni burnout sindrom. Burnout sindrom predstavlja sveprisutnu
Price of the tour
all year
1 day
veštine komunikacije radionica

Communication skills workshop and hiking in nature

The communication skills workshop provides a unique experience for all those who want to improve
Price of the tour
all year
1 day
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