
Hiking is a form of walking with the specific purpose of exploring and enjoying natural beauties.

Walking through natural areas that involves carrying the necessary equipment and all that is needed is a very popular recreational activity in many developed countries. People around the world enjoy hiking in nature, usually by already established trails.

Terms of hiking and trekking are English terms and there are no completely adequate expressions in the Serbian language that would explain the essential meaning of these activities.

Trekking would be a multi-day hiking, ie. hiking in the mountain and rural areas

Where to go to hiking in Serbia?

Walking in Serbia is a more and more popular activity. If you want to join us on hiking tours, and you have no experience, look a few tips for equipment, clothing and nutrition.

The most popular destinations in Serbia for hiking are: National Park Tara, Uvc Canyon, Divcibare, Stara Planina, Rtanj, Homolje, National Park Djerdap ...

It will give you the right emotional relaxation, it's good for getting fitness.

Hiking often requires good physical fitness, it means walking a few kilometers, sometimes it is necessary to climb steep mountainous sides. Different terms are encountered, such as hiking, bushwalking, tramping, trekking or walking It can take hours, days or weeks.

Hiking or hiking is one of the most common types of tourism. Pedestrian tours do not require special equipment or special preparation. Hiking tours are among the most popular types of vacation in the population of developed countries with a high degree of urbanization.

For hiking and trekking equipment it is not different from hiking (not alpine). When it comes to the equipment and skills necessary for trekking, it should be noted that, except in cases when it goes to the famous terrain and if you do not go with a guide, a topographic map and elementary knowledge of cartography and orientation in the nature is necessary. It is also good to have a GPS device.

Ostrovica i Borački krš

Ascent to Ostrovica and Borački Krš

Ostrovica is a sharp volcanic dome with steep sides and is always recognizable in its relief
13.oktobar 2024.
1 day
Planina Pirin i jezera

Mount Pirin: Ascent to Vihren, Todorka

Planina Pirin dobila je ime po staroslovenskom moćnom i pravednom bogu gromova zvanom
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27-29.septembar 2024.
3 days
17/18. avgust 2024.
1 day
kampovanje na Zlataru
23-25. avgust, 3 dana
Kanjon Zamne Rajska prerast
04.avgust 2024
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Bukovac Fruška gora polja lavande
Fully booked!
15.jun 2024.
1 day
Kanjon Panjice, Arilje

Panjica Canyon and Water Cave

The canyon of the Panjica river is located in southwestern Serbia, not far from Arilje, in the village
16.jun 2024.
1 day
Nacionalni park Triglav planinarenje

National Park Triglav

Nacionalni park Triglav, jedinstveni nacionalni park u Sloveniji, predstavlja prirodnu i kulturnu baštinu
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4 days
Studena planina izlet

Studena Mount, Kavgalija peak

Studena planina je planina Kopaoničkog masiva, nedaleko od Kraljeva, smeštena između Goča, Stolova
1 day
Alpinisti;ki izazov na Jelici

Alpinism challenge and hiking on Jelica

Jelica je planina iz dinarske grupe planina južno od Čačka i prostire se
Price of the tour
1 day
Noćni uspon na Rtanj
Fully booked!

Spring ascent to Rtanj

Prolećni uspon na gorostasni Rtanj sa južne strane. Naša jedinstvena planina sa trostranom
04.maj 2024.
1 day
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