
Višednevne ture u Srbiji i na Balkanu. Multiaktivne ture koje podrazumevaju kombinaciju više aktivnosti, gde ćete na najbolji način upoznati destinacije koje posećujete.

Pored već unapred određenih aktivnosti, one se mogu prilagoditi u skladu sa vašim zahtevima.

Naša putovanja podrazumevaju povezanost sa lokalnim stanovništvom gde na najbolji način upoznajete kulturu i tradiciju tog mesta.

Trans Dinarica Zlatibor-Tara

Trans Dinarica – from Zlatibor to Tara

Trans Dinarica represents the first and only cycling route that connects all the countries of the Western Balkans.
Price of the tour
3 days
Kapadokija avionom proleće 2025 Three Beauties

Cappadocia in spring

Cappadocia, located in the heart of Turkey, is one of the most fascinating regions in the world.
Price of the tour
14-18.maj 2025.
5 days
prolazak kroz Lazarev kanjon izlet, Poreklo - avanturistička hiking tura

The Origin - adventure hiking tour in Eastern Serbia

Have you ever wondered: How did homo sapiens overcome other human-like species?
Price of the tour
5 days
Prokletije-Maja Harapit

Accursed Mountains-Maja Harapit, Theth Valley, Valbona, and Ropojana

Prokletije and their mountain range are one of the wildest and most impressive landscapes
Price of the tour
19-22.jun 2025.
4 days
Nacionalni park Triglav planinarenje
4 days
Kapija želja, kanjon Mrtvice
Fully booked!

Mrtvica Canyon and Moračke Mountains

Moračke planine se nalaze u centralnom delu Crne Gore i predstavljaju nastavak grebena
Price of the tour
3 days
izlazak sunca na vrhu Musala, Rila
Fully booked!

Rila National Park – Seven Rila lakes and the ascent to Musala, the highest peak in the Balkans

Rila je najviši planinski venac Bugarske, Balkanskog poluostrva i jugoistočne Evrope. Čini deo
Price of the tour
3 days
skijanje na Kolašinu, Bjelasica

Skiing and mountaineering on Bjelasica: Kolašin ski center

The Kolašin Ski Center, in its fairytale winter edition, offers a wide range of adapted trails
Price of the tour
12-16.februar 2025.
5 days
Olimp planinarenje, uspon na Mitikas

Olympus, Litochoro, Enipeas Canyon

Mount Olympus, a symbol of Greek mythology and the home of the 12 ancient gods with Zeus on
Price of the tour
6 days
moderate, moderate-demanding
Prokletije-dolina Grebaje

Accursed mountains-Grebaja valley, Hrid Lake

Prokletije and their mountain range are one of the wildest and most impressive landscapes
Price of the tour
4 days
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