Fruska Gora

Fruska Gora was an island in the former Pannonian Sea. Today, this 539 meters high mountain, the dominant land mass of the entire Pannonian Plain. Fruška gora thanks to its natural potential, geographical location and rich history offers a lot possibilities for different types of tourism.

Fruška Gora is an ideal destination for everyone, whether you want an active holiday or maximum relaxation and enjoyment for all senses

On Fruška Gora there are a large number of picnics, which with their content offer many opportunities for active holidays.

The mountain is stretched by a ridge of length 75 kilometers, and its entire surface is covered with oak, grab, linden and buccal trees. Lush forests are being monitored numerous monasteries dating from the period between the 16th and 18th centuries. Thanks to numerous religious symbols, Fruska Gora is often called Serbian Atos.

Bukovac Fruška gora polja lavande
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Fruška gora u zimu
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Fruška Gora and Children's Village ❤️

Winter hiking tour in Fruška Gora National Park. Fruška gora once upon a time
Price of the tour
1 day
Fruška Gora hiking

Fruška Gora hiking - private tour

Hiking tour at the National Park Fruska Gora. A long time ago it was a lonesome island in the Pannonian Sea.
all year
1 day
Šid and Fruška Gora lakes

Šid and Fruška Gora lakes

Šid is located on the slopes of Fruška Gora and is the center of the westernmost municipality of Srem.
Price of the tour
12.januar 2025.
1 day

Team games

Timski rad je najvažniji za uspešno poslovanje svake kompanije. Cilj ove timske avanture
Price of the tour
all year
1 day
Tim bilding epska avantura

An epic adventure

Zajedno smo jači! Epska avantura se zasniva na timskom radu. Učesnici se moraju
Price of the tour
all year
1 day
Fruska gora MTB

Fruska gora MTB

Fruska gora MTB tour - a full day tour in a national park that is perfect
Price of the tour
all year
1 day
Fruška gora u jesen

Fruška Gora hiking-Ledinacko Lake, Ruben's circle

Hiking tour at the National Park Fruska Gora. A long time ago it was a lonesome island in the Pannonian Sea.
1 day
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