1 day

Spring ascent to the gigantic Rtanj from the south side. Our unique mountain with a three-sided pyramid on top, almost regular in shape. We go to the highest peak Šiljak at 1565 m, from where there is a phenomenal view of the surrounding mountains. During the spring, you can also find the flowers of Ramonda Serbica, an endemic plant that was discovered by Josif Pančić on the slopes of Rtanj. It blooms from April to June.

On Rtanj mixed forests of fir and beech prevail, and their particularly interesting inhabitants are large blue butterflies, short-legged lizards, dragonflies, and many species of birds. The pastures and meadows are decorated with hawthorn bushes, wild roses, and steppe almond trees. There is an increasing number of mountaineers, who perceive it as a real challenge regardless of the time of year or the weather.

Numerous legends and stories circulate about Mount Rtanj. Some consider it the mountain of salvation, while others believe it is the mountain of aliens or energy generators. Regardless of what you believe, climbing Rtanj will give you an unforgettable experience and beautiful landscapes.

DEPARTURE LOCATION Novi Sad, by agreement

The parking lot at the municipality New Belgrade

DEPARTURE TIME 5.00 h Novi Sad
6.30 h Beograd
INCLUDED IN THE PRICE Transportation from Belgrade

Mountaineering tour on Rtanj with a licensed mountain guide

Tour coordinator

Accident insurance

Transportation from Novi Sad

Additional notes:

  • Equipment for the spring ascent to Rtanj: Deep hiking shoes with Vibram soles, backpack, and layered clothing, adapted to weather conditions, we recommend poles, bring enough water (1.5 l) and some food (snacks, sandwiches, fruit).
  • Information about a hiking trail:
    • Length: 15 km
    • Total ascend/descend: about 1000 m
    • Category: medium, you walk along dirt forest roads, meadows, and near the top, partly on rocky sections
    • Duration: about 7 hours with breaks
  • Physical requirements: a solid physical readiness is needed for hiking tour at Rtanj This hiking tour is not recommended for people with poor physical condition and / or health problems; the guide reserves the right not to take persons with inadequate equipment on the hike.
  • In our article you can read some other interesting facts about the ascend to Rtanj.
  • A minimum of 18 registrants is required for the realization of the spring ascent to Rtanj.
  • Price is for members of "Explore Serbia". You can find membership information here. For those who do not have a membership card, the price is 4900 dinars.
  • Own transportation: in case you come with your transport, the price of the tour is 2,700 dinars (with Explore Serbia membership cards) or 3,700 dinars (for those who do not have a membership card).
  • Transportation from Novi Sad: the surcharge is 1200 dinars. Another option is to take the train to the Novi Beograd railway station, where you can wait for our transport. You can see the timetable here.
  • Accident insurance: in order for this type of insurance to be active, you need to send us your personal number (JMBG) when registering.
  • In case of an insufficient number of registered passengers or unfavorable weather conditions, the deadline for notification of the postponement or cancellation of the tour by the organizers is 2 days before departure.
  • Trip cancellations by passengers: 

    • In case of cancellation of the trip by the passenger, 5 or more days before the tour date, the Agency retains the amount of 20% of the reservation costs.
    • In case the traveler cancels the trip less than 5 days before the trip, the agency reserves the right to the entire amount. In case of replacement by another passenger who is found either by the passenger himself or by the Agency, 90% of the paid amount is returned to the passenger.
    • In case of illness of the passenger and cancellation up to 3 days before the tour, the paid money can be returned or the amount can be transferred for another tour organized by the Agency, and the traveler is obliged to send medical documentation about the illness in writing. In case of illness of the traveler and cancellation less than 3 days before the tour, in addition to sending medical documentation about the illness, the traveler is obliged to compensate the Agency for the incurred costs (transportation and travel organization costs), and part of the money can be refunded.
The organizer of the tour is the travel agency Explore Balkans doo. With this program is valid Rulebook on conducting tours by Explore Balkans doo.
According to Article 79 of the Law on Tourism, protection is not provided for one-day tours in terms of travel guarantees.

Belgrade - Rtanj

  • Departure from Belgrade at 6:30 a.m., from the parking lot of the municipality of New Belgrade. Traveling by highway, towards Rtanj. A break on the way for coffee and breakfast.
  • Arrival around 9 am in Rtanj.
  • Short refreshment, preparation for ascend.

Ascend to the top Siljak

  • Departure for the ascent on the south side from the village of Rtanj. The first part of the trail is a dirt road and takes you to a wooded area. After that, there is a rocky "goat path", with a lot of vegetation. At the end of the "goat path," we reach a meadow where we will see the famous pyramid well for the first time.
  • Further towards the top, the path leads through a grassy area full of flowers, and near the top, there is a rocky area. It will take us about 4 hours to reach the top with breaks. A break on top of Šiljak at 1565 m where we will enjoy a phenomenal view of the surroundings.
  • At the top is located a small dilapidated chapel - It is said that it was built by the wife of the owner of the Rtanj mine after her husband committed suicide under mysterious circumstances. That was in 1935. In 1968, the Rtanj mine was shut down. Most of the people who lived in Rtanj, worked in the mines and then lost their jobs. They were searching of gold, when the chapel was damaged and looted.
  • After a break at the top, descend to the village of Rtanj on the same, southern side.
  • After the hiking tour, there is a possibility of organizing a late lunch in a rural household or a nearby guesthouse in the village of Rtanj.
  • After lunch, departure to Belgrade where we will arrive in the evening, around 10 PM.
Noćni uspon na Rtanj
Rtanj cveće
Uspon na Rtanj
Rtanj južna strana
vegetacija na Rtnju
Noćni uspon na Rtanj
Rtanj izvor energije
Rtanj hiking
Rtanj planinarenje
Rtanj leptir
Senka piramide na Rtnju, Rtanj sa severa na jug
Rtanj hiking