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Category: Hiking
Južni vrhovi Rudnika »

Uzdižući se kao pravi krov Šumadije, planina Rudnik dominira srpskim pejzažem, a njen najviši vrh Cvijićev vrh (1132 m) ponosno nosi titulu najvišeg u celoj Šumadiji. Ovaj moćni masiv nije samo geografski centar, već i hidrografsko srce regiona, gde se susreću slivovi Zapadne Morave, Velike Morave i Kolubare.

Rudnik is not just a mountain - it is a natural oasis. Its dense forests, plenty of sunny days, and exceptional air ionization create a microclimate similar to the most famous mountain spas. Whether you're looking for an escape from the hustle and bustle of the city, enjoying beautiful landscapes, or a real hiking challenge, Rudnik is a place where you'll take a deep breath and recharge the energy of nature.

On this hiking tour, we will explore the trails of Rudnik's southern peaks through dense forests, rocky viewpoints, and picturesque glades, allowing you to experience a real hiking challenge.

Planina Rudnik
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Planina Rudnik

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