The Balkans are also known as the Balkan Peninsula. The word Balkan is of Turkish origin and means mountain. It is covered with magnificent mountain ranges that are a paradise for hikers, offering diverse and breathtaking landscapes.
The Balkan Peninsula forms an irregular, inverted triangle of land that stretches from Central Europe in the north to the Eastern Mediterranean in the south, and is mostly bordered by the Adriatic, Ionian, Aegean and Black Seas.
It constitutes a mosaic of several mountain regions and countries: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, and often including European Turkey.
A great number of protected areas – national parks, nature parks, reserves and nature monuments are located in these regions.
The villages of the Balkans keep secrets and untold stories and cherish unusual landscapes.
Exploring the Balkans through hiking and mountaineering tours is the best possible way to get to know all its diversity.