Summer 2025

On this page, you can find the tours that we have prepared for summer 2025.

Our offer includes various mountaineering and hiking tours, as well as exciting water activities such as kayaking, rafting, and boating. If you want a true sense of freedom and to completely immerse yourself in the natural environment, there is also camping.
If you like more adrenaline, don't miss canyoning, via ferrata tours or paragliding tandem flights.

In cooperation with colleagues from the region, we created with special care high mountain weekend and multi-day hiking tours in Montenegro, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, Albania and Bulgaria. These tours will take you through magnificent mountain ranges and diverse landscapes that will take your breath away!

prolazak kroz Lazarev kanjon izlet, Poreklo - avanturistička hiking tura

The Origin - adventure hiking tour in Eastern Serbia

Have you ever wondered: How did homo sapiens overcome other human-like species?
Price of the tour
5 days
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