Spring 2025

On this page you can find our tours that we have prepared for spring 2025.

On this page, you can find our tours prepared for spring 2025. Connect with nature and explore beautiful destinations. From fragrant spring flowers to spectacular scenery, each tour provides a unique experience.
Numerous hiking and mountaineering tours are offered. Starting from early spring, we first organize trips to the most beautiful destinations in a given month. Or they are specific for the type of plants, waterfalls, swollen vegetation, and the like.

As the day lengthens and the air temperature rises, we go to somewhat further destinations and start activities on the water and on the rocks.

We also offer kayak tours, canyoning, via ferrata, and paragliding.

prolazak kroz Lazarev kanjon izlet, Poreklo - avanturistička hiking tura

The Origin - adventure hiking tour in Eastern Serbia

Have you ever wondered: How did homo sapiens overcome other human-like species?
Price of the tour
5 days
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