1 day

E-bike tours, i.e. riding electric bikes, offers all the same benefits as a traditional bike, in terms of environmental protection and fitness. They have the advantage that an electric motor is used as a drive, which allows you to overcome the hills more easily and there is less strain on the joints. E-bikes use rechargeable batteries and are usually motorized at 25 to 32 km/h. Riding an electric bike is easy, you can cover long distances and go much further than with a classic bike.

Zlatibor is the most visited mountain in the western part of Serbia, which has the appearance of a spacious and slightly undulating plateau with the highest peak, Tornik (1496 m). It is built of serpentine, with numerous spacious meadows, pastures and forests.

E-bike tours from Zlatibor allow you to visit attractive locations and enjoy the scenery. Tours are organized with professional guides. Ribničko lake, Čigota, Semegnjevo, Spomenik, Obradovo and Gradina viewpoints are just some of the attractive locations that can be visited by riding electric bicycles.

MEETING POINT Zlatibor, by agreement
INCLUDED IN THE PRICE Electric bicycles and helmets

A guide and the tour organization

NOT INCLUDED Transportation to Zlatibor

Other individual costs

Additional notes:

  • A minimum of 4 registrants is necessary for the realization of an e-bike tour on Zlatibor. In case of a smaller number, a price correction is made. The maximum number of participants is 10.
  • No previous experience is required to ride electric bikes. A prerequisite is that you know how to ride a classic bike.
  • Reservation of the tour is required at least 3 days in advance. The ride can be scheduled by appointment at any time of the day.
  • Necessary personal equipment –  layered sports clothes adapted to the weather, sports shoes, small backpack with enough water (1.5 l), sun protection (hat, sunglasses, cream with UV factor).

Attractions in the area

Ribnica Lake is located 8 km from the center of Zlatibor and halfway to the Tornik ski center. The lake is artificial in origin, created in 1971 by damming the rivers Crni Rzav and Ribnica, for the purpose of supplying the locals with drinking water.

Tornik (ski center) is the highest peak of Zlatibor, its height is 1496 m. It is 10 km from the center of Zlatibor. Tornik is surrounded by Zlatibor villages Ribnica, Jablanica, Stublo and Dobroselica. Ski centar poseduje 5 staza ukupne duzine 10 km.

Čigota (1422 m) is the highest peak of Zlatibor after Tornik. It is located on the border between the villages of Rudine, Gostilje and Ljubiš. There is a military facility at the very top, so access and photography are prohibited. The Čigota range itself is actually a chain of several peaks that stretches for 15 km. The range includes the peaks of Čuker (1359 m), Konjoder (1337 m), Jelje (1411 m), Čigota (1422 m) and Nevolja (1354 m).

Semegnjevo is a picturesque village in Zlatibor, located at an average altitude of about 1000 m, and it is 14 km from the center of Zlatibor.

The Bela Voda river flows through the village, where three swimming pools have been built: Kod Komša, Zlatibor Lakes and Trčinog, favorite picnic spots for numerous visitors to Zlatibor during the summer season. In the center of the village there is a log church dedicated to the feast of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, built in 1927. The church iconostasis was painted by the painter Danica Šišović and with her talent she embellished this pearl of traditional rural architecture.

Through one part of the village flows the Kamešina river, which tumbles down from a 12-meter-high cliff and forms the Skakavac waterfall, an unusual and lesser-known natural phenomenon of the Zlatibor area.

Obadovo viewpoint - the hill is about 6 km from the center of Zlatibor. Since the altitude is the same as that in the center, it is very common, as is the walking tour, because it is not too demanding.

Viewpoint Gradina - it is about 5 km from the center of Zlatibor at an altitude of 1164 m. There is a beautiful view that reaches as far as Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. At the top there is a decorated, wooden summer house. What sets this viewpoint apart is the telescope, which is available to all visitors free of charge.

Spomenik (a monument) - known to some as the viewpoint on Šumatno brdo or Gkavudža, it is about 2.5 km from the center of Zlatibor. It represents one of the main symbols of Zlatibor. Erected in memory of the shooting of wounded partisans at Kraljeve vode and Palisad in 1941.

The organizer of the tour is the travel agency Explore Balkans doo. With this program is valid Rulebook on conducting tours by Explore Balkans doo. According to Article 79 of the Law on Tourism, protection is not provided for one-day tours in terms of travel guarantees.


  • Meeting with the guide on Zlatibor, at the agreed place at the agreed time.
  • Preparation for the e-bike tour, distribution of bicycles and necessary equipment (helmets), instructions from the guide.

E-bike tour on Zlatibor

  • E-bike tour lasting 3 hours, where we will visit attractive locations, such as: Ribničko lake, Spomenik, Obradovo and Gradina viewpoints.
  • With the necessary breaks, you will enjoy the fairytale landscapes of Zlatibor. We will also visit the picturesque village of Semegnjevo, where the Bela Voda river flows, where three swimming pools have been built. They are a favorite excursion spot for visitors to Zlatibor.
  • At the end of the tour, lunch can be organized in one of the restaurants.
E-bike ture na Zlatiboru
E-bike ture na Zlatiboru
E-bike ture na Zlatiboru