Atraktivne destinacije za dnevne pešačke ture iz Beograda nalaze se na samo jedan ili dva sata udaljenosti. Mi predlažemo njih 15! Prvo da se ukratko podsetimo koji su sve benefiti pešačenja. Pored toga što ima svrhu istraživanja i uživanja u prirodnim lepotama, pešačenje je najstariji tip vežbanja. U zadnje vreme u našem jeziku se za

Srbija – zemlja na sredokraći severne hemisfere u centralnom delu Balkanskog poluostrva. Između Karpatida i Balkanida, Panonskog basena i Dinarida, u slivovima reka koje otiču u tri mora. Smeštena na carski značajnim drumovima iz doba Rimljana, sa položajem kakav se sa aspekta turizma može samo poželeti. Zaštita prirode u Srbiji ima dugu tradiciju. Prvi pisani

Fruska Gora was an island in the former Pannonian Sea. Today, this 539 meters high mountain, the dominant land mass of the entire Pannonian Plain. Fruška gora, thanks to its natural potentials, geographical position and rich history, offers plenty of content for different types of tourism. For those who want to spend a pleasant holiday in Serbia, in a beautiful natural environment,

Vojvodina is the northern part of Serbia. On the geographical map of the world, there are landscapes of so unreal beauty as if they had been created by artists, the landscapes ‘painted’ by a soul. Luxurious castles, mysterious gardens, old windmills in the middle of grain fields, wide rivers that flow ‘arm in arm’ through