„Pre nego što počnemo sa šetnjom i pričama o Vlasima i vlaškoj magiji, potrudite se da na njihove tradicije i običaje ne gledate sa podsmehom. Viševekovne tradicije o kojima ćete danas čuti su kamen temeljac njihovog sistema vrednosti i načina na koji posmatraju svet. Takođe, imajte u vidu da su i oni hrišćani i da

Ukoliko se pitate šta raditi u Nacionalnom parku Tara, reći ćemo vam da nudi brojne mogućnosti za aktivan, sadržajan i relaksirajući odmor. Nacionalni park Tara se pruža gotovo čitavom površinom planine, koja svakako pripada najlepšim srpskim destinacijama za odmor. Četinarske šume su zaštitni znak Tare, a ujedno je čine i najšumovitijom planinom Srbije i regiona.

Explore Belgrade through city discovery games in a fun and inspiring way. Belgrade is one of the oldest European cities. It was always at the crossroad of different civilisations. Each step reveals a part of Belgrade’s rich history which used to have different names: "Hill for thinking", "Hill of battle and glory", "The house of wars", "The house of freedom”. It is the city of the atmosphere and burning history. It used to be the oriental town of traders and craftsmen, then western Christian rampart, it has been demolished and burnt, and then re-built.

Fruska Gora was an island in the former Pannonian Sea. Today, this 539 meters high mountain, the dominant land mass of the entire Pannonian Plain. Fruška gora, thanks to its natural potentials, geographical position and rich history, offers plenty of content for different types of tourism. For those who want to spend a pleasant holiday in Serbia, in a beautiful natural environment,

Upon a tall cliff overshadowing the river, that carved its bed in this karst, a young bird appeared. At first, it contemplated the depth that lay before it, the green meanders of the river winding between the grey rocks, the towering cliff rising across it, and then looked up at the perfect blue of the cloudless sky. "What an ideal day to fly", - the eaglet thought as it stroked the air with its broad wings.